Stage Three and Events in Ontario

This week, we’re focusing on the recent changes to Ontario’s reopening process. Last Friday, the province officially entered Stage 3 of the reopening plan. Last week, we saw many changes that give Ontarians loosened restrictions: to attend events, larger gatherings inside and out, restaurants and bars, and participate in additional outdoor activities. To start, we’re going to clarify the new guidelines for stage three and identify what this means for the event industry in Ontario.  

What are the Stage Three Guidelines?

The most recent stage has seen various changes to the guidelines put in place for Covid 19. We feel it is essential to identify some of these significant changes that have officially occurred. 

To start, here are some of the general guidelines for the province:

  • Outdoor social gatherings and organized public events for up to 100 people
  • Indoor social gatherings and organized public events for up to 25 people
  • Indoor dining with no limits to the number of patrons per table
  • Retail with capacity limited to ensure physical distancing
  • Indoor religious services, rites or ceremony gatherings with physical distancing
  • Indoor sports and recreational fitness facilities with capacity limits
  • Personal care services with capacity limited to ensure physical distancing
  • Museums, casinos and bingo halls with capacity limits
  • Cinemas, concerts, theatres, and other performing arts venues with capacity limits

As you can see, stage three has a drastic increase in the number of people allowed to be gathered and an increase in the opening of different entertainment, service and restaurant locations across the province. 

Some other exciting changes that have been included in the reopening plan are: 

Sports Events:

Outdoor spaces are open for unseated events. Spectators are permitted at a maximum capacity of 75% or 5,000 people (whichever is less) and other restrictions. For events with fixed seating, spectators are permitted at a maximum capacity of 75% or 15,000 people (whichever is less) and other restrictions.

Meeting and Event Spaces: 

Indoor spaces are open at 50% capacity or 1,000 people (whichever is less) and other restrictions. Outdoor spaces are available at 75% capacity or 5,000 people (whichever is less), and other restrictions.

What Does This Mean for Events? 

It’s been roughly 16 months since Ontarians have been able to experience large-scale in-person events together. As the province continues to increase the number of vaccinated individuals, event restrictions are being reduced, giving a glimmer of excitement as to what’s to come later this summer and into the fall. 

With the increase of capacity to 50% or 1,000 people indoors and 75% or 5,000 people outdoors, this will allow sports games, concerts, festivals and of course, what we at Debonair do best; events! Although this is a significant step in the right direction, events will need to be properly executed and follow specific safety measures like social distancing and mask-wearing, especially at indoor events.

Our team is properly trained and certified by the Event Leadership Institute to safely provide dedicated event planning for our client’s in a post-pandemic setting. With that being said, we’re incredibly excited to finally be back in person and help our clients achieve their event needs and goals by creating unique experiences. 

At Debonair, we have been creatively defining how to achieve great event experiences for our clients in a safe manner. We have spent the previous months preparing, training, and educating to be properly prepared for the stage three guidelines. A new precedent must be made so that we can always put event safety at the forefront. During our event planning process, we’ll work closely with our clients and event spaces and follow all government guidelines and safety measures. 

With all of the new changes and advances in Ontario’s reopening, we know it can be overwhelming and confusing. If you have any questions or would like to discuss event opportunities, please reach out to our team Dwayne Rutherford: or event planner – Lauren Pattison:! Our team is ready to assist in any of your event needs this summer and fall and beyond. Whether it’s virtual, hybrid or completely in person (It’s exciting to say that finally!), we’re ready. 

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In the modern era, environmental consciousness transcends commendation—it’s an imperative. At Debonair Corporate Events, we prioritize the integration of eco-friendly practices into our event planning process, establishing ourselves as leaders in fostering sustainability. Our commitment is to elevate your events through the adoption of green initiatives, ensuring they leave a lasting, positive impact. Below are the eco-conscious strategies we employ to enhance event sustainability.

  1. Sustainable Venues

We prioritize venues dedicated to environmental stewardship, featuring energy-efficient lighting, water conservation practices, and robust waste management systems. Our selected venues boast green certifications and participate in initiatives aimed at environmental preservation, offering the perfect backdrop for your eco-friendly events.

  1. Digital Over Paper

 To minimize paper waste, we embrace digital solutions such as e-invitations, online event registration, and event apps, enhancing attendees’ experiences while reducing environmental impact. For necessary printed materials, we opt for recycled content and eco-friendly inks derived from soy or vegetables.

  1. Waste Reduction

Our events are designed with waste minimization in mind, encouraging recycling and composting through well-marked disposal stations and clear instructions. We strive to reduce packaging waste from vendors and arrange for the donation of surplus food, mitigating waste production.

  1. Green Transportation

 We advocate for eco-friendly transportation options for attendees, including public transit, carpooling, and shuttle services. Additionally, we participate in carbon offsetting initiatives to counteract the environmental impact of our events.

  1. Collaborating with Eco-Friendly Vendors: 

Our commitment to sustainability extends to our choice of vendors, from AV equipment providers with energy-saving technology to decorators using recycled or sustainable materials.

At Debonair Corporate Events, sustainability is more than a buzzword. It’s at the core of our philosophy. We’re dedicated to embedding eco-friendly practices into every aspect of our event planning, ensuring your event is not only memorable but also environmentally responsible. By partnering with us, you’re not just hosting an event; you’re contributing to a sustainable future. 

Let’s collaborate to create experiences that celebrate our dedication to the planet, setting a new standard for sustainability in event planning.