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Debonair Highlights

Black North Initiative Inagural Gala

Multifamily Conference

Afro Canadian Contractors Association Gala

Building Diversity Awards 2023

Blacknorth Initiative Gala 2023

Mackenzie Summer Party 2023

Multifamilly Conference 2023

Multifamily Conference 2022

Case Studies


Elevate Your Message with Debonair Corporate Events.

In an age overrun by digital noise and information overload, breaking through the clutter can be a challenge. That’s where Debonair Corporate Events comes in. We excel at crafting human-centric experiences that evoke genuine emotions, spark meaningful conversations, and create moments worth sharing.

Specializing in the triad of event planning, design, and production, we are your go-to partner for orchestrating refined galas, impactful conferences, and unforgettable social events. Let us transform your messages into compelling experiences that resonate with your audience and make lasting impressions. Partner with Debonair Corporate Events to elevate your brand beyond the noise.


EVENT TYPE:   Association Gala


  • Full Event Management + Production
  • Audio Visual, Lighting + Staging
  • Talent Management
  • Motion Graphics
  • Creative Direction
  • Technical Direction + Production Labor
  • Logistics Management 
  • Contract Negotiation & Management
  • Budget & Expense Management
  • Timeline & Milestone Management


In 2019, Debonair Corporate Events had the honour of producing the 32nd Scholarship Awards Gala for the Markham African Caribbean Canadian Association (MACCA). The event celebrated the achievements of exceptional Black Youth transitioning to higher education and aimed to unify the community while recognizing these young talents.

Our holistic approach prioritized creating unique experiences for each stakeholder, beginning with the graduates. To make the occasion truly unforgettable, we organized a private photo shoot and individual interviews, the highlights of which were immortalized in a commemorative magazine. Adding to the atmosphere was a meticulously designed setting featuring oversized, personalized helium balloons and brand-cohesive lighting, encapsulating the room in an aura of sophistication. To further elevate the experience, a live band engaged the audience throughout the event. Fundraising activities were seamlessly integrated, and an inspirational keynote speaker added depth to the occasion. The gala not only succeeded in its immediate goals but also gained recognition in several local newspapers. Partner with Debonair Corporate Events for a similarly impactful experience.


EVENT TYPE:  Retreat


  • Full Event Management + Production
  • Audio Visual, Lighting + Staging
  • Creative Direction
  • Staffing
  • Talent Procurement
  • Design + Decor
  • Interactive Experiences
  • Exhibit Displays + Signage
  • Logistics + Planning
  • Catering
  • Travel + Transportation Management
  • Registration Management
  • Contract Negotiation & Management
  • Budget & Expense Management 
  • Timeline & Milestone Management


After an 18-month hiatus from in-person gatherings, our client sought a unique experience to reunite mentors and mentees for a day rich in education, networking, and fun.

Adhering to all COVID-19 guidelines, we orchestrated a day of engaging activities designed to foster genuine connections. Our venue—a spacious private park featuring a 2,500 sq ft pavilion and an expansive 40×60 foot tent—served as the backdrop for an electrifying keynote speech from an industry leader.

The event ambiance was infused with a Caribbean island theme, seamlessly woven into the music, catering, and décor. Beyond the core activities, attendees enjoyed exclusive experiences such as a visit to Between the Lines Winery, a trip to historic Niagara Falls, and a thrilling boat ride on the Maid of the Mist. To elevate the experience, we featured one of the region’s top mentalists, who captivated the audience with his uncanny predictive abilities. The day culminated in a live BBQ session accompanied by prize giveaways, leaving attendees eagerly anticipating the next gathering.


EVENT TYPE: Non-profit/Symposium


  • Full technical support
  • Platform sourcing
  • At-home recording support
  • Virtual show management
  • Presentation guidance
  • Motion graphics design
  • Speaker Management
  • Content Management
  • Full technical support
  • Platform sourcing
  • At-home recording support
  • Virtual show management
  • Presentation guidance
  • Motion graphics design
  • Speaker Management
  • Content Management


When a client sought to host their inaugural multi-day virtual conference for tax attorneys, they turned to Debonair Corporate Events as their trusted partner to craft an engaging and interactive experience.

Understanding the significance of brand consistency, we developed custom backgrounds for each general session, enhanced with dynamic motion graphics. To ensure the event’s success, we offered comprehensive support to the speakers, including online training, technical rehearsals, and presentation coaching, all coordinated through a dedicated green room. The selection of the event platform was also critical; our data-driven approach led us to a platform that not only met but exceeded our client’s objectives. The result? Engagement analytics reflected an audience as enthused as they were informed. Trust Debonair Corporate Events to make your first virtual event a standout success.

CLIENT: Building Diversity Awards

EVENT TYPE:  Non-profit – Virtual 


  • Full Event Management + Production
  • Full technical support
  • Platform sourcing
  • At-home recording support
  • Virtual show management
  • Presentation guidance
  • Motion graphics design
  • Speaker Management
  • Speaker Procurement 
  • Venue sourcing
  • Content Management
  • Audio Visual, Lighting + Staging
  • Creative Direction
  • Staffing
  • Talent Procurement
  • Design + Decor
  • Interactive Experiences
  • Logistics + Planning
  • Sponsorship Acquisition
  • The venue, Food and Beverage Management


Debonair Corporate Events was entrusted with planning, designing, and executing the inaugural Building Diversity Awards—a prestigious event aimed at acknowledging contractors, unions, and individuals in Ontario who are championing diversity in the construction industry.

Our team crafted an evaluation process for the awards that adhered to global standards, ensuring each honoree was recognized for their genuine contributions to inclusivity. Recognizing the need for educational outreach, we developed comprehensive marketing materials and organized multiple training sessions both before and during the nomination phase.

The virtual event mirrored the richness of an in-person gathering, featuring meticulously designed lighting, captivating visuals, and top-tier entertainment. Leveraging a carefully chosen platform that optimized attendee interaction, the event drew over 400 virtual attendees and recorded more than 5,000 guest interactions—surpassing all client expectations. The ceremony was further enriched by contributions from an international keynote speaker, senior government officials, and other distinguished guests. Partner with Debonair Corporate Events for an event experience that exceeds all benchmarks of success.

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